Workato LLM Accelerator Automates Actions with AI Power

April 15, 2024

Integration solutions

Support teams spend a lot of time actioning internal tickets that arise from a lack of provisioning or access authority. Three common roadblocks we see are:

  • Trouble accessing specific data from an application because of lack of access.
  • Issues amending components in an application because it requires work outside an employees scope of granted authority.
  • Problems arising from exercising a change despite having official approval.

Workato’s Actions by LLM Accelerator tool offers an automated AI solution to time consuming manual actions. Using the power of LLM and Workato’s enterprise automation platform, the Actions Accelerator allows both users and IT teams to use natural language processing to action requests across the business, saving thousands of hours of tedious work.

Repeated requests for provisioning and application access presents a growing problem for IT teams

Businesses rely on an ever-growing list of applications to get work done. Each application adds to the IT landscape, whether to enhance business operations or replace outdated systems for increased efficiency. The more that are added, the harder it is to keep employees trained and provisioned correctly..

Generally speaking, application users can be categorized into following broad categories:

  • Primary Business users who regularly engage with applications and depend on them for their day to day tasks
  • Authorized users responsible for maintaining system updates and possessing administrator privileges.
  • Non-primary business users with minimal application usage and potential limitations on functionality access.

Diagram 1: Way of Working

Typically,  primary business users interact with applications from native UI provided by applications. When they need to perform any privileged activity, they will contact helpdesk or the admin of the application to do that action.

When non-primary Business users need to access functionality that is restricted by their role, or if they don’t know how to navigate in-app to get where they need to be, they will also contact helpdesk. 

The result? High ticket load and overworked IT teams.

Problems Provisioning and Actioning in Salesforce

To better understand the situation, let’s take a look at how Salesforce is generally used in a typical org.

  • The sales team are the primary business users of the application.
  • The IT Team is generally a manager in a privileged user role.
  • Product engineering is an example of a non-primary business user team.

When the sales team needs to take privileged action like adding metadata or custom fields they may need to contact the admin team or create a ticket.

Similarly, if the product engineering team needs to view the account executive or contact person associated with a specific account, or to add a contact to the account, they must reach out to the admin team or make a ticket request.

Diagram of typical salesforce workflow

Diagram 2: Example

So, the two main challenges are:

  • Whenever a user lacks access to perform an action, they must complete a manual process in order to carry it out.
  • A significant amount of time and energy goes into training both primary and non-primary business users on how to access and utilize the application, even if they do not use it frequently.

Solving Application Access Problems

What if there was a user-friendly chat interface that could integrate and streamline actions across all applications within the organization? A tool that actioned requests automatically if the user has the proper access level, but that routes requests to the proper channels if they don’t? This is the power of the Workato’s Actions by LLM Accelerator tool.

Optimized AI Salesforce workflow

Diagram 3: The ideal actioning workflow

How it Works

Actions by LLM accelerator is a plug-and-play resource that executes a series of predefined actions in target systems based on user’s conversation, leveraging LLM and Workato Workbot. 

This tool is invaluable  for organizations managing multiple applications across teams. You can execute requests through a chatbot style interface, all without necessitating users to log in to the individual applications themselves. It also offers a  human assist workflow to validate or approve write actions as needed.

The Actions Accelerator Tool offers out of the box functionality across Salesforce, Netsuite and Jira. However, customers can also extend the framework and provide support for action and applications across the SaaS landscape.

Diagram 4: Actions by LLM Accelerator Workflow

With the Actions by LLM accelerator, we can redefine how users interact with applications by using the power of GenAI in understanding human language and the power of Workato to integrate and automate. Offering yet another powerful productivity resource for both IT teams and for end users themselves.

Learn more about the accelerator features here. Want to see more in action? Email us at for a more in depth demo.