
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Nov 10, 2022

Cloud Profiles for On-Prem Agents (OPA)

A single Workato on-prem agent (OPA) can connect to multiple on-prem applications. However, managing these require editing an on-prem agent config file. A cloud profile is a new way of setting a connection for on-prem agent directly in Workato. Connecting an agent to new resources is now much easier and doesn’t require direct access to the machine where the agent runs. This allows for a more centralized management of OPA agents.

More information can be found in the following docs:

Nov 3, 2022

Collaborator roles sync enhancement for SAML SSO

With this SAML SSO enhancement, you will now be able to manage the roles of your collaborators from your identity provider that you used to configure SAML SSO. This allows you to govern roles you already use without having to duplicate in Workato, allowing for a more efficient way of managing role changes across different workspaces.

What this means:

  • Admins no longer need to manage collaborator roles manually on the Workato platform
  • Users are able to provision / de-provision environment-specific access to your collaborators from their identity provider via custom / system roles.
  • Workato roles are automatically synced and updated from user profile data on your organization’s identity provider each time a user signs into Workato via SAML SSO
Nov 3, 2022

Announcing Japan Data Center

Our Japan data center is now up, making it our fourth one after the US, Europe and Singapore. 

This gives Japanese customers better security and more control over where their data is stored and processed.

Nov 1, 2022

Impact on recipes with changed trigger minimized

Embedded partners managing recipe lifecycles will be happy to know that recipe restarts are now kept to the minimum. 

Restarts are now only required when there’s a change in the imported recipe’s app trigger, trigger input or trigger connection.


New authentication types for Shopify

With our Global OAuth App installation blocked, we have launched two new authentication types for Shopify: OAuth2.0 and access token. 

Follow these steps to connect Shopify to Workato.

Oct 28, 2022

Simplified limits to webhook gateway

For easier understanding, our limits to webhook gateways have been simplified to:

  • Rate limits: 72,000 events per hour or 18,000 events in a burst
  • Byte limits: 30MB per minute or 30MB in a burst

See more details on rate limits and byte limits.


File streaming support on Connector SDK

With file streaming now available on Connector SDK, users can now build custom connectors that transfer large files of more than 10GB—to and from our library of connectors. 

See these how-to guides to start using Workato’s file streaming library.


Python connector now supports pandas

Popular Python library, pandas, can now be accessed on the Python connector, making it easier for users to add custom Python code to recipes—for powerful data transformations.

Oct 6, 2022

Workbot for Slack: Waiting for user input in Slack Modal Dialogs

Users can now handle user input of Slack Modal Dialogs in the same recipe.

How it works
The Workbot recipe job will suspend until the user provides input and closes the modal. The job continues to the next action when it receives the input; it does not run a separate command as a distinct recipe trigger.

What this means for users
This enables users to specify multiple steps of Workbot-user interaction in one recipe, streamlining logic, reducing the number of recipes, and avoiding artificial and unnecessary bot commands.


On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.14.0 release

A new version of the on-prem agent has been released with updates in security, new on-prem agent monitoring, added support for Cliend ID and Secret encryption, and more. Click here for the full version notes.
