
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Apr 16, 2024

Audit log streaming retry

In the event Workato is unable to stream a log to the specified destination, Workato will retry sending the log repeatedly using an exponential backoff formula. To enable this, logs are kept in a persistent cache until:

  1. The audit log reaches its destination successfully, or
  2. Seven (7) days have passed.

Each retry attempt is logged in the Workato Logs service for visibility into the process.

Apr 5, 2024

Automatically generate assets when creating a manifest with the Developer or Embedded API

The new auto_generate_assets property can be used to automatically generate the assets list of the specified folder when creating (Developer APIEmbedded API) or updating (Developer API / Embedded API) a manifest. This new property eliminates the need to manually list each asset to be included in the created manifest. The auto_generate_assets property can be used in conjunction with the following new properties:

  • include_test_cases: include test cases if specified, false by default
  • include_data: include data if specified, false by default
  • auto_run: start package generation automatically, false by default
Mar 6, 2024

New fields and query parameter available for the list recipes endpoint

The list recipes endpoint in both the Workato Developer API and the Workato Embedded API has had the following fields added: author_name, version_author_name, version_author_email.

Additionally, updated_after has been added as a new query parameter. Users can now filter requests to only recipes updated after the specified time.

Feb 6, 2024

On-prem Agent (OPA) logs now available in Logging Service

Users can now view OPA logs in Workato Logging Service. This addition makes it even easier to to search, audit, and troubleshoot specific automations utilizing OPA.

By default, this feature is disabled, but it can be enabled in workspaces with OPA and Logging Service via the on-prem group level settings.

Feb 5, 2024

Recipe Hyperlink in Manifest

In an effort to improve the Recipe Lifecycle Management experience, you can now navigate directly to changed recipes by clicking the recipe hyperlink in the manifest. This enhancement makes it quick and easy to review any recipe changes before deploying updates.

Jan 18, 2024

Update to dashboard job totals

As part of a slow rollout, some customers will now see that the Dashboard counts jobs only once, by the last repeated job (e.g. a single job that has been repeated three times and failed each time will display as one failed job in the Dashboard). This behavior matches the Jobs History table, and should result in clearer analytics about the total successful and failed job counts for a given time period.

Once released widely to all existing workspaces, this will be the default behavior for all net new workspaces.

Jan 17, 2024

Cancel multiple jobs in process

You can now select multiple jobs in the Jobs History table and cancel. Only jobs in process can be canceled.

Dec 20, 2023

Select/deselect all tables when creating a manifest

When creating a manifest file for your project, you can now select/deselect all tables that you would like to include from the project. This update brings the table select behavior in line with the properties select behavior, allowing you to more quickly create manifests for complex projects.

Dec 19, 2023

Environment deployment permission update

Our latest update introduces a new Deployment permission for deploying project across environments. Effective December 12, 2023, users need this permission in both Development and target environments in order to deploy, replacing the Recipe lifecycle management requirement.

The Deployment permission is enabled for system roles and custom roles as follows:

  • Admin: Enabled
  • Analyst: Enabled
  • Operator: Disabled
  • Custom: Disabled until an admin manually enables it

This security enhancement provides better control over who can deploy to production or test environments by separating deployment permissions from recipe lifecycle management permissions.

Dec 19, 2023

Manage workspace users with the new User Audit API

The developer API just got more powerful with the addition of the user resource. This new set of endpoints allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Get details of the authenticated user
  • Get a list of members in your workspace
  • Get details about a user you specify
  • Get the role and privileges for a workspace user you specify

