
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Aug 1, 2023

Enhanced API Capabilities for Manifests

We're thrilled to announce advancements to the Embedded API via the Export Manifests API. Dive into advanced operations as you "create, retrieve, update, and delete" export manifests. Not only does it handle asset transfers efficiently, but it also kicks off export operations by generating builds and creating package zip files.

Jul 27, 2023

Push notifications to the right teammates

For the right notifications to reach the right people on your team, we’ve added new fields to our email notifications settings.

Jul 27, 2023

Workspace settings now available to admins

Jun 19, 2023

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.20.0 release

  • Security: upgraded middleware libraries Spring to 6.0.9, Jetty to 11.0.15, and Spring LDAP to 3.1.0.
  • Kafka: new real-time “New message in topic” single and batch triggers have been released, for better reliability in instances when a recipe is stopped and then started again. Previous triggers are still supported but now marked deprecated.
  • Kafka: a bug that caused misconfiguration with the sasl.jaas.config property has been fixed.
  • Redshift: microseconds to timestamps added to avoid row collisions.

See OPA Release Notes in docs.



New RecipeOps trigger

Our RecipeOps connector has a new trigger, “On-prem agent disconnected”. It monitors your chosen on-prem group for agency connectivity issues, so when a network outage is detected or an agent process is killed, your recipe moves into action.

May 26, 2023

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.19.0 release

We’ve improved the activation flow for any new on-prem agents you create. Other updates:

  • Security: trust certificates are now issued by default, by Let’s Encrypt
  • Security: several libraries were upgraded with OWASP’s recommendations
  • System: agent performance data is now automatically sent to Workato for analysis and improvements
  • System: cloud logging feature no longer requires added configuration
  • MS SQL: support for useFmtOnly connection property added
  • MySQL: support for year date type added
  • Kafka: validation of SASL configuration improved

See OPA Release Notes in docs.

Mar 11, 2023

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.18.0 release

  • Security: Java Runtime Environment upgraded to version 17.0.6+10
  • Security: PostgreSQL JDBC upgraded to version 42.5.4
  • JMS: redelivery options for ActiveMQ added, by default number of retries now unlimited
  • Debug: full certificate details now print when TLS handshake fails
  • Windows: default encoding changed to UTF-8
  • Windows: updated with the latest Windows service wrapper library

See OPA Release Notes in docs.

Mar 2, 2023

More audit controls for workspace security

More audit events have been added, to track changes to a workspace’s security and permissions settings.

This allows admins more visibility to troubleshoot changes.

See the full list of account activities tracked.

Jan 27, 2023

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.17.0 release

  • JMS, Kafka, SAP: additional firewall configuration for their triggers will no longer be required
  • Security: updated to TLSv1.3 to enable gateway tunnel connections
  • Performance: buffering for database-related requests disabled for lower memory consumption
  • Kafka: support for AVRO-encoded message keys added
  • Kafka: kafka-clients library has been upgraded to version 7.3.1-ccs
  • SAP: support for TYPE_UTCLONG data type added
  • SAP: stateful RFC support implemented (requires SAP JCo library version 3.1.7. or later)
  • MySQL: timezone issue for datetime columns in version 8 fixed
  • MySQL: result set streaming is now enabled by default

See OPA Release Notes.

Jan 26, 2023

Get real-time status alerts for incidents

We have launched status pages for each region, so users can monitor our systems’ status, check for incidents—and subscribe to email updates.
