
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Dec 30, 2022

SQL Transformations for ETL/ELT (beta)

SQL Transformations is a new connector that allows users to query through large volumes of data from multiple sources, within the recipes. The transformed data can further be loaded to any destination or stored as a file for future use within Workato.

This beta connector release is a major enhancement for ETL/ELT capabilities. To learn more please visit the documentation.

Dec 29, 2022

SCIM Provisioning

SCIM Provisioning allows our customers to automate the entire user lifecycle management process. From the time a user joins the company and needs access to Workato (provisioning), requires more privileges (profile updates), and finally, to the time they leave (de-provisioning). This eliminates any manual and error prone actions that IT admins must take on the Workato platform as provisioning actions will be automatically synced with their identity provider (IdP) like Okta, OneLogin etc..  This release includes:

  • Full lifecycle management actions (Create users, update user attributes like workato_role, and de-provision users with supported IdP's like Okta, OneLogin, CyberArk Idaptive)
  • Ability to provision single or multiple Workato Workspaces from identity platforms
  • Ability to remove environment / Workspace access from identity platforms
  • Ability to provision, update, de-provision users at the individual or group level
  • Track all access related changes on audit logs across all environments and differentiate between automatic and manual changes

Learn more about account provisioning with SCIM by checking out the documentation.

Dec 21, 2022

Oracle Fusion Cloud connector

Users can now connect up to 20 Oracle Fusion Cloud business modules in one place. Go to this documentation page to see which modules are covered.

Dec 17, 2022

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.16.0 release

This release introduces a stricter validation of third-party TLS certificates. This can affect how HTTP connectors behave, and self-signed certificates may require additional setup.

  • HTTP: trustAll default behavior is updated, support for self-signed certificates and mTLS added
  • HTTP: Bad Request errors while using encoded characters fixed
  • JMS: connector no longer uses local database to store JMS subscriptions
  • JMS: support for High Availability mode added
  • Kafka: support for message headers added 
  • Security: Vertx, Netty and Jetty libraries upgraded to the latest versions
  • Database: bulk triggers support added 
  • Linux: fontconfig and bash dependencies for Linux DEB/RPM packages added
  • SAP: support of SAP JCo version 3.0. discontinued (SAP JCo version 3.1 or later is required)
  • SAP: SAP RFC connector no longer attempts to subscribe for inbound IDOCs if program_id is missing
  • SAP: RFC connector now ignores redundant IDOC releases
  • SAP: system information can be retrieved even if EP8 is not installed
  • SAP: On-prem Agent must now be explicitly authorized to use function module OCS_GET_INSTALLED_SWPRODUCTS

See OPA Release Notes in docs.

Nov 30, 2022

On-Prem Agent IP Allow List

While each Workato data center has its own IPs to use for outbound allow lists, there is a need to restrict inbound requests to Workato for OPA usage.  This is where the On-Prem Agent allow lists helps solve for this.  Admins can easily add an IP allow list at the group level to restrict agents in the group. These additional IP restrictions will help organizations increase their security by decreasing their network attack surface. 

Nov 30, 2022

Recipe Trigger Reset for Developer & Embedded API

The enhanced recipe API allows resetting one or more recipes either manually on an ad-hoc basis or through automations. Resetting a trigger makes it forget the data that it has picked up in the past so it will pick up the same historical data again. This is a great way to do a full data refresh for data replication, master data management, or reverse ETL type of use case.  Click to learn more about reset API.

Nov 29, 2022

Granular Permissions for Environment Properties

As part of an effort to provide more granular permissions across the platform, Properties are now called “Environment Properties” as they are global properties on an environment level. This allows more control and protection when using Environment Properties.

Previously “full access” was the only permission.  New permissions are now available:

  • View 
  • Edit records,
  • Create
  • Delete
Nov 10, 2022

On-Prem Agent (OPA) 2.15.0 Release

  • Configuration: added cloud profiles support which allows setting up on-prem connections directly in Workato.
  • JMS: added support for headers and binary messages.
  • Network: rolled back to default TLS implementation and SNI.
  • Network: fixed bug during gateway reconnection.
  • Security: upgraded to JRE 17.0.5+8.
  • Security: upgraded Commons Text library.

See OPA Release Notes in docs.

Nov 10, 2022

Cloud Profiles for On-Prem Agents (OPA)

A single Workato on-prem agent (OPA) can connect to multiple on-prem applications. However, managing these require editing an on-prem agent config file. A cloud profile is a new way of setting a connection for on-prem agent directly in Workato. Connecting an agent to new resources is now much easier and doesn’t require direct access to the machine where the agent runs. This allows for a more centralized management of OPA agents.

More information can be found in the following docs:

Nov 3, 2022

Collaborator roles sync enhancement for SAML SSO

With this SAML SSO enhancement, you will now be able to manage the roles of your collaborators from your identity provider that you used to configure SAML SSO. This allows you to govern roles you already use without having to duplicate in Workato, allowing for a more efficient way of managing role changes across different workspaces.

What this means:

  • Admins no longer need to manage collaborator roles manually on the Workato platform
  • Users are able to provision / de-provision environment-specific access to your collaborators from their identity provider via custom / system roles.
  • Workato roles are automatically synced and updated from user profile data on your organization’s identity provider each time a user signs into Workato via SAML SSO