
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Oct 6, 2022

Workbot for Slack: Waiting for user input in Slack Modal Dialogs

Users can now handle user input of Slack Modal Dialogs in the same recipe.

How it works
The Workbot recipe job will suspend until the user provides input and closes the modal. The job continues to the next action when it receives the input; it does not run a separate command as a distinct recipe trigger.

What this means for users
This enables users to specify multiple steps of Workbot-user interaction in one recipe, streamlining logic, reducing the number of recipes, and avoiding artificial and unnecessary bot commands.


On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.14.0 release

A new version of the on-prem agent has been released with updates in security, new on-prem agent monitoring, added support for Cliend ID and Secret encryption, and more. Click here for the full version notes.


Easier troubleshooting with Workato Logs

Our new Logs feature captures every recipe’s log entries—even its repeated steps. 

Use it to search through log entries and troubleshoot your recipes with greater ease.

See more in the documentation on Workato logs, and contact your customer success manager to start logging.

Sep 13, 2022

Build better connectors with these Connector SDK enhancements

SDK developers can now:

  1. Build multiple authentication flows—including OAuth2—into a single connector
  2. Automatically enable PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) for any OAuth2 authorization code grant 
  3. Directly retrieve webhook URLs from recipe editor
  4. Build hybrid (webhook and polling) triggers to poll for new records
  5. Build refresh logic into your webhook triggers so there’s no need to refresh your webhook subscription
  6. Create JSON web tokens (JWT) for a larger set of APIs with these new algorithms

Deleted item trigger in QuickBooks Online

Users can now create recipes that listen to deleted item events in Quickbooks. This enables accurate syncing of data between QBO and downstream systems like Shopify.


On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.13.1 release

  • On-prem files: Invalid character error for Windows file path format fixed

See OPA Release Notes in docs.


Gong – New engagement actions

Users can now stream customer milestones from various systems like databases (for product usage), Docusign (for contract signing) or SkillJar (course completion) into Gong to gain a full 360 view into the events that contribute toward a successful sale or upsell.  To learn more, read docs and check the sample recipe Sync Docusign Contract event to Gong Deal.


Azure Blob Storage – Multitenant authentication support

Multitenant authentication support

  • Users now have the ability to choose the “connection account type” and can sign in with a common, organization, or tenant-specific connection account type. Common supports personal, enterprise, and multi-tenant accounts, which are not tenant-specific. The organization supports multi-tenant enterprise accounts.

Sep 1, 2022

Compare recipe versions with Recipe Diff

With the Recipe Diff feature, users can visually compare two versions of a recipe side by side—before choosing which to export.

This is handy for users who manage their team’s recipe development lifecycle.

To see how it works, check out Recipe Diff's documentation.


Safely empower business teams with Automation HQ

Automation HQ gives IT admins a central console to set up:

  • Dedicated workspaces for business units (marketing, sales, finance, and HR etc.)
  • User access and admin roles across workspaces
  • Connections to your organization’s apps
  • Usage policies and allocate resources like recipes and tasks

See more about Automation HQ in this blog post.
