Do everything in one place
Customize your Tradeshift and Xobin integration with the following
triggers and actions.
When this happens…
- Credit note readyCredit note ready to process in Tradeshift
- Invoice readyInvoice ready to process in Tradeshift
Any other trigger you can think up
- New assessmentNew assessment in Xobin
- New completed candidateNew completed candidate in Xobin
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
- Custom actionCustom action in Tradeshift (Custom)
- Create chart of accountsCreate a code in Tradeshift
- Create Credit noteCreate Credit note in Tradeshift
- Create external connectionCreate external connection in Tradeshift
- Create InvoiceCreate Invoice in Tradeshift
- Delete chart of accountsDelete a chart of accounts in Tradeshift
- Get current account infoGet current account info in Tradeshift
- Search connections BatchSearch a connection in Tradeshift
- Tag documentTag a document in Tradeshift
- Untag documentUntag a document in Tradeshift
- Update connection propertiesUpdate connection properties in Tradeshift
Any other action you can think up
- Get test invite linkGet test invite link in Xobin
- Send test invite link to candidate via mailSend test invite link to candidate via mail in Xobin
Any other action you can think up
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