Customer Story

How Adevinta used automation to simplify large-scale acquisitions & reduce manual work


Neftalí García IT Architect & Manager, Adevinta

With just a little time, [the integration] is developed. We don’t have to take care of the operations of the platform.

Neftalí García IT Architect & Manager, Adevinta


  • Time-consuming APIs
  • Inability to scale quickly
  • Manual processes

Neftalí García, IT Architect & Manager at Adevinta, was tasked with devising a more cost-effective and holistic integration solution for Adevinta’s numerous (and growing!) applications. The status quo of custom integration builds was too expensive and too time-consuming to maintain.

Not only did Neftalí’s team see the potential to reduce IT spend and increase efficiency, but, perhaps most important, improved integrations would allow for unhindered scale as the company continued to acquire new companies and with them, their data and systems.

One such recent acquisition was eBay Classifieds. It was a huge win for Adevinta, but Neftalí knew that the acquisition’s long term success rested at least in part on his ability to quickly integrate eBay Classifieds’ data and systems with their own.

Finally, in addition to the integration project, Neftali also saw that much more value could be created by automating many of the company’s manual and complex processes, such as targeted marketing campaigns and financial analyses.


  • Conduct market research
  • Invest in a new solution
  • Champion automation far & wide

Neftalí considered various integration solutions, but, after evaluating Workato, he knew he’d found the right technology. Workato demonstrated deep integration capabilities that would allow his team to quickly coordinate a wide variety of applications, and easily add more into the mix as needed.

But Workato wasn’t just an integration tool, and that’s what really won Neftalí over. With the power of Workato automation, Neftalí knew that he’d be able to relieve employees of manual, repetitive tasks—and that could bring about a whole new level of efficiency at Adevinta.

Neftalí's favorite feature was Workato’s no-code/low-code nature. Its ease of use meant that his team would no longer be responsible for deploying every single integration across every team. Instead, with a little guidance, Neftalí would have a small army of integration and automation champions.


  • Seamless integrations
  • Huge efficiency gains
  • Established data governance

Since implementing Workato, integrations have shifted from one of the most costly and lengthy roadmap items to one of the fastest and most cost-efficient. No longer is Neftalí’s team bogged down with custom APIs, nor worried about how they’re going to tackle integrations from new acquisitions.

Additionally, Adevinta has seen huge efficiency gains driven from Workato automation. Take the real-time financial reporting system that Neftalí built, which allows the finance team to generate detailed reports. Or automated targeting marketing. As Neftalí’s Workato advocacy grows, the list goes on.

The unified use of Workato across Adevinta has also allowed Neftalí’s team to establish data governance standards. Before, custom APIs prevented Adevinta from enforcing rigid standards; now, Neftalí’s team can safely monitor Workato’s usage while encouraging its widespread adoption.

Neftalí is most excited for the future of Workato at Adevinta. Not only does he expect to see even higher numbers of integrations and greater levels of automation-driven efficiency, but Neftalí is confident that these improved processes will demonstrate a huge impact on Adevinta’s bottom line.

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