
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Feb 12, 2024

Workato Pub/Sub is now Workato Event Streams

Workato Pub/Sub has been rebranded to Event Streams to reflect the product capability more accurately. Here's how the rebranding will affect users:

  1. Workato PubSub is now Workato Event Streams
  2. PubSub topics are now referred to as Event topics
  3. In Workato’s documentation, Event Streams have been moved from the connectors section to a dedicated Event Streams section.
Feb 12, 2024

Community Connectors: What’s new in January

We've rolled out 14 new or updated connectors this month! Exciting additions include the HL7 connector for seamless health data exchange and the ServiceNow (Custom) - CMDB connector for efficient workflow automation. Plus, we've enhanced connectors like Microsoft Graph API, Abbyy Flexicapture, and Solace for additional features. Dive into the full update here for a closer look at these connectors and more.

Feb 9, 2024

API Proxy now available for API Platform

Users can now create API proxy collections that serve as an intermediary between an API client and an existing API server.

Rather than clients sending requests directly to your API, they can send requests to a secure proxy endpoint configured in Workato. This extends the benefits of Workato's modern API gateway to your existing API servers, including secure authentication protocols, monitoring, and access control features.

API Proxy is a lightweight service built for handling high volume with low latency. Highlights include:

  • Simple configuration via Workato UI
  • High capacity (upwards of 10k RPS)
  • Low latency of 5ms
  • No concurrency limit

This feature is available to all API Platform customers.

Feb 9, 2024

On-prem Agent (OPA) 23.0 Release

This OPA release has a number of bug fixes and updates to keep things humming along:
  • Kafka: added support for Protobuf schema format.
  • HTTP: the agent now correctly handles cases where the remote server responds before the request completes.
  • HTTP: requests can now pass through a configured proxy server.
  • Hardening: fixed bug where agent failed to reconnect when using a proxy server.
  • JMS: fixed message parsing when sending from non-JMS applications.
  • TLS: added support for ECC private keys and certificates.
  • MS SQL: fixed connection problem when using ActiveDirectory authentication method.
  • SAP: implemented sending IDoc batches to Workato webhook.
  • SAP: support for receiving outbound IDocs from SAP for all partner types.
  • SAP: keep NUMC data types as strings instead of integers.
  • Security: updated Java to version 21.0.2+13.
  • Security: updated Spring Framework to version 6.1.2, Spring Boot to 3.2.2, AWS SQS messaging library to 2.1.1

See the OPA release notes for this and previous updates to OPA.

Feb 7, 2024

Enhanced Webhook Reliability and Observability

The recent updates to the webhook gateway highlight enhancements in reliability and observability. These include extended JSON validation and UTF-8 encoding validation, offering improved visibility into potential issues with webhook payloads. Furthermore, the introduction of guaranteed at-most-once processing with X-Workato-Dedup headers and backup webhook pipelines enhances the platform's resilience, ensuring consistent service delivery, even during unforeseen events.


Page Data Pills and Conditionals in Workflow Apps

Users can now build dynamic pages in Workflow Apps by using data pills in their pages. Available data includes:

  1. User data (e.g. user name, user id, and email)
  2. Request data (e.g. request stage, request created by user, request data columns)
  3. Page data (e.g. any editable fields on the current page)

Data pills can be used to create conditional logic in pages just like with recipes. This enables dynamic functionality like:

  • Personalizing page messaging to the current user
  • Showing/hiding certain components based on page data (e.g. display an input field if other is selected in drop down)
  • Constructing dynamic URLs with embedded data from current page
  • Making page components required or readonly based on other answers within a page

On-prem Agent (OPA) logs now available in Logging Service

Users can now view OPA logs in Workato Logging Service. This addition makes it even easier to to search, audit, and troubleshoot specific automations utilizing OPA.

By default, this feature is disabled, but it can be enabled in workspaces with OPA and Logging Service via the on-prem group level settings.

Feb 5, 2024

Recipe Hyperlink in Manifest

In an effort to improve the Recipe Lifecycle Management experience, you can now navigate directly to changed recipes by clicking the recipe hyperlink in the manifest. This enhancement makes it quick and easy to review any recipe changes before deploying updates.


Microsoft Teams Workbot update – Tabs to be sunset

We're sunsetting Microsoft Teams tabs functionality in Workbot for Microsoft Teams. Microsoft's new Teams client doesn't support Adaptive Cards in tabs, rendering Workbot tabs inaccessible. No comparable replacement functionality is currently planned by Microsoft. Check Microsoft's new Teams client release schedule to keep updated on when the new client will be rolled out (currently planned for March 31).

We advise users to transition onboarding content to custom help messages or develop web-based tabs. Our planned schedule for this transition is as follows:

Jan, 31st - All users who have created a Workbot with active tabs and admins of their accounts will receive an email with the notice.

Feb, 5th - The tab trigger and action will be deprecated and will no longer be available in new recipes. Existing recipes will continue to work (in ‘classic’ client)

March, 31st - We will share further sunset schedule based on customer usage and Microsoft's release schedule.

Jan 22, 2024

‘Repeat While’ loops added for all workspaces

Users can now set any condition using the standard interface to decide if actions inside loop should be executed an additional time. Actions inside the loop will be executed at least one time. Applications include pagination, repeating a fixed number of times, and repeating until condition is met. Read more about Repeat While loops here.
