
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.


Introducing a new interface for FileStorage

Our powerful, in-house storage and data integration solution FileStorage, enables you to store large files in your recipes with more ease. It now comes with a new interface for you to view and manage the files you store in recipes. Moreover, this makes it possible for you to organize your files and directories, or download them. 

Jun 19, 2023

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.20.0 release

  • Security: upgraded middleware libraries Spring to 6.0.9, Jetty to 11.0.15, and Spring LDAP to 3.1.0.
  • Kafka: new real-time “New message in topic” single and batch triggers have been released, for better reliability in instances when a recipe is stopped and then started again. Previous triggers are still supported but now marked deprecated.
  • Kafka: a bug that caused misconfiguration with the sasl.jaas.config property has been fixed.
  • Redshift: microseconds to timestamps added to avoid row collisions.

See OPA Release Notes in docs.



Build enterprise-ready apps to streamline your workflows

Too many apps and not enough visibility? With Workflow Apps, you can build a single portal—no code needed—for your team’s workflows. Streamline these workflows and provide a bird’s eye view of what’s going on, whenever.


New RecipeOps trigger

Our RecipeOps connector has a new trigger, “On-prem agent disconnected”. It monitors your chosen on-prem group for agency connectivity issues, so when a network outage is detected or an agent process is killed, your recipe moves into action.


What’s new with connectors: May edition

Retrieve trigger closure values
Trigger closure values can now be retrieved when you get recipe details, or list recipes belonging to user. For Embedded users, you can do the same when getting a recipe or listing recipes in a customer’s account. 

Two new bulk triggers, “Export new records” and “Export new/updated records”, were added. To better handle large data volumes, streaming is used in these triggers. We also fixed a bug found in the “Monitor changes in a record” trigger. Now, each trigger record has its own record ID, even if it was edited in bulk on Salesforce.

Our input fields and output datapills have been updated to be more readable. And that error message that showed up when records had no properties? That bug’s been fixed.

Quick Base
Real-time triggers now rely on the webhook event directly when retrieving new records, instead of by polling.

Five new actions are now ready for Box Sign users to automate document signing requests. Plus, a new “Monitor sign requests” trigger to pick up on completed, expired, declined or bounced sign requests.

You can now enjoy the freedom of custom fields when deduplicating records with the “Bulk import leads from file” action.

Google BigQuery
Our select and insert actions weren’t displaying datapills as expected whenever a BigQuery table had a record type column. Also, the input field saw error when the polling schedule was set to monthly. But we’ve solved both issues now. 

Scheduler by Workato
To our Scheduler trigger, we’ve introduced a new datapill, “last job time”.

Custom actions related to gift cards have been enabled, and custom OAuth profiles are now supported. We’re also gearing up for an upgrade to the latest API version, so we’ve added pagination support and deprecated some output fields.

Transactional RFC support has been introduced, so you can run multiple RFCs or BAPIs in a single transaction—useful for making sure your data on SAP stays consistent.

Jun 5, 2023

New API call for secrets management

This API call clears the secrets management cache to retrieve the latest available credentials from your external secrets manager, whether that’s AWS Secrets Manager or Hashicorp Vault. This allows you to update your secrets regularly with no disruptions to active recipes.

Jun 1, 2023

Use Hashicorp Vault with OPAs

For tighter security, we’ve extended support for secrets manager, Hashicorp Vault, to our on-prem agents (OPA) and on-prem groups (OPA).

May 26, 2023

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.19.0 release

We’ve improved the activation flow for any new on-prem agents you create. Other updates:

  • Security: trust certificates are now issued by default, by Let’s Encrypt
  • Security: several libraries were upgraded with OWASP’s recommendations
  • System: agent performance data is now automatically sent to Workato for analysis and improvements
  • System: cloud logging feature no longer requires added configuration
  • MS SQL: support for useFmtOnly connection property added
  • MySQL: support for year date type added
  • Kafka: validation of SASL configuration improved

See OPA Release Notes in docs.


Wait for a user to act on Slack

Our Workbot for Slack connector now allows you to wait for a user to act on Slack before continuing your recipe. This means you no longer have to build multiple recipes, saving time and effort.


Delete messages on Microsoft Teams

We've introduced a new delete message action to our Workbot for Microsoft Teams connector. Use it to make your users' Microsoft Teams experience more dynamic.
