
Keep up with the latest updates we’ve made in Workato.

Aug 16, 2022

On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.13.0 release

  • Security: Java Runtime Environment upgraded to version 17.0.3
  • Linux: RPM and DEB packages added
  • Shutdown: New shutdown procedure deployed. Agent awaits OS signals, and tries to gracefully finish all running queries and terminate the agent process. Default shutdown timeout is 300 seconds, but this can be customized
  • Cloud logging: now enabled by default, agent logs will be sent to Workato for improvements and fixes
  • HTTP response compression: now enabled by default, this may increase CPU consumption for better communication throughput
  • Command line: ‘mgmt-listen’ option added to expose technical endpoint, useful for health checks when running OPA inside a containerized environment. 
  • Command line: Undocumented ‘/status’ endpoint deprecated
  • Security: libraries with vulnerabilities have been upgraded
  • Custom HTTP SSL options: internal agent communication no longer affected
  • Kafka: Avro and Schema Registry support added

See OPA Release Notes in docs.

Aug 13, 2022

New Platform APIs for Embedded partners

Embedded partners can now create, update and remove connectors shared with their customers—before pushing these updates into customers’ accounts. No installation needed. Read more on these four new APIs.

Jul 22, 2022

Concurrency usage now visible on API platform dashboard

API platform users can now monitor average and peak concurrency usage in real time. Go to API platform to see your dashboard.

Jul 18, 2022

Job IDs format updated

For stronger security and improved scalability, all job IDs will be updated to a string format (e.g. j-KGAKfhsz-GYoLeD4Q), in place of numbers—on 1 September 2022.

If you wish to assess the impact of this migration, your customer success manager is ready to support.


On-prem Agent (OPA) 2.12.2 release

Jul 7, 2022

Pending job queue transparency

The job summary view now provides full visibility into the queue of pending jobs for the recipes. In a quick glance you can get an overview of the following:

  • Number of jobs waiting to be processed in the queue
  • Estimated time for clearing the jobs in queue

Now you can check the queue size, and processing times to identify potential bottlenecks, or opportunities for optimization.


On-Prem Agent (OPA) 2.12.1 Release

OPA 2.12.1 release includes multiple enhancements, and fixes for known issues:

  • Microsoft SQL Server on Windows service: fixed DLL library loading issue
  • SAP: fixed  client number issue with leading zeros
  • PostgreSQL: fixed issue related to timestamp with timezones
  • Extended logging for http 520 error
  • Added support for new configuration file encoding: UTF-8 BOM
Jun 30, 2022

Simpler parsing for CSV files

We’ve improved CSV by Workato to make it simpler and more reliable to describe the schema of CSV files. Instead of copying column names from the header row, Simply upload a sample CSV file.

Jun 30, 2022

Wrangle large search results with Sage Intacct

We’ve updated the Sage Intacct connector’s Search Object action to return up to 1000 results. You can also handle queries returning more than 1000 results with support for pagination.

Jun 30, 2022

Run precise queries in Netsuite with saved search support

A new trigger for the Netsuite connector leverages Netsuite’s saved search feature. Construct a precise query in Netsuite with advanced filtering, and set up your Workato recipe to trigger whenever a record meeting the search criteria is created or updated.
