2 Powerful Automations for Effortless Expense Claims and Streamlined Reporting

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Effortless Expense Claim Submission

Streamlined Expense Claim Guidance for Better Employee Experience

Introducing automation that simplifies expense claims. Our recipe, “Streamlined Expense Claim Guidance,” streamlines the process, ensuring a hassle-free experience. With just a Slack command, you can effortlessly submit claims and enjoy a smoother workflow.

expense claim automation

Recipe flow

How the Automation Works:

This automation works seamlessly. When an employee initiates a Slack command for submitting expense claims, it triggers a modal to request details of travel, meals, and hotel related expenses. Once collected, the recipe compiles this information and creates a comprehensive Expense Claim in ichris.

Why This Automation Is Impactful:

In today’s business landscape, automation is vital. Our recipe empowers employees with step-by-step guidance, resulting in accurate expense claims. This not only enhances organizational efficiency but also significantly improves the employee experience. Invest in a better future with Streamlined Expense Claim Guidance.

Start building in Workato

Feel free to check out the sample recipe here for a ready-to-use version that you can easily duplicate and implement.

Enhanced Expense Reporting Efficiency

Email-Driven Invoice Attachment Processing for Expense Reports

Simplify expense reporting with automation. When an invoice lands in your inbox, this recipe swiftly processes it, eliminating manual work and reducing errors.

enhanced expense reporting

Recipe flow

How the Automation Works:

Upon receiving an email with an invoice attachment in Outlook, this automation seamlessly extracts the file and sends it to Instabase for in-depth processing. It meticulously collects data and orchestrates the creation of expense reports in Expensify.

Why This Automation Is Impactful:

This automation is pivotal for optimizing business operations, delivering precise expense reporting, and empowering the finance team with actionable insights, ultimately driving productivity gains and improving the customer experience.

Start building in Workato

Feel free to check out the sample recipe here for a ready-to-use version that you can easily duplicate and implement.

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