October 2019 Product Newsletter

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What’s new in Workato? Here are our October updates.

Discover some exciting updates in our Automation Community and learn how you can better manage the release of SDK connectors, OPA groups, track and audit user activity.

    1. Move ideas forward, together with Recipe Collections
    2. Take Control of Your SDK Connectors
    3. Robust On-prem Connectivity with OPA Groups
    4. Meet the New Kit on the Block
    5. Powerful Forensics for Workato Admins

Move ideas forward, together with Recipe Collections

Ever wanted to know how other customers are using Workato? Now there is an easy way to discover new ideas and explore automations built by your peers. Recipe Collections are a group of curated recipes that work together to solve a specific use case.

Explore now


Take Control of Your SDK Connectors

The latest updates to the connector SDK enables you to manage versions of the connector, rollback or roll forward to a specific version, control which version of the connector is used in recipes, and sharing custom connectors across workspaces.

Watch video


Robust On-prem Connectivity with OPA Groups

OPA groups is an easy way to configure multiple OPA agents to work together to route high volume requests to balance load and provide failover in the event any single instance of OPA shuts down. Additionally, you can update OPA agents with zero downtime.

Learn more


Meet the New Kit on the Block

By using the new UI framework available in Slack Block kit, you can create richer messages in post message and post command reply actions. More flexibility to add blocks, re-arrange blocks, and prototype quickly with built-in preview.

View demo


Powerful Forensics for Workato Admins

Quick and easy access to a chronological catalog of events, operations, and actions provide essential forensics for security and error diagnostics. A critical tool for administrators to monitor enforcement of security policies, and analyze anomalies.

See docs


This wraps up our October 2019 Product Updates. Any feedback or suggestions? Please send them our way at product@workato.com.

Lastly, check out the November 2019 updates by clicking on this link.

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