Do everything in one place
Customize your Barista and ProsperWorks integration with the following
triggers and actions.
When this happens…
Do this…
- Onboard EmployeeCreate Employee in 'Barista
- Post KBCreate KB in 'Barista
- Delete EmployeeDelete Employee in Barista
- Generate Integration TokenGenerate Integration Token in ' 'Barista
- Get All EmployeesGET All Employees from Barista
- Get All KBsGET All KBs from Barista
- Get Conversation from ChannelGET Conversation from Channel
- Get Employee by EmailSearch Employee in Barista
- Get Employee by IDSearch Employee in Barista
- Get Report9 by ESP FiltersGET Report9 Data in ' 'Barista
- Get TaskGet Task from ' 'Barista
- Get Task by Channel IDGet Task from ' 'Barista
- Parse CSV DataParse CSV Data in Barista
- Parse CSV Status CheckParse CSV Status Check in Barista
- Patch KBPatch KB in 'Barista
- Post Data To ChannelPost Data to Barista channel
- Post Sync IDsPost Sync IDs in Barista
- Search EmployeesSearch Employees in Barista
- Terminate EmployeeTerminate Employee in Barista
- Update Channel Live Agent Session ModePerforms a PATCH to a Channel Object to set sys_custom_fields.start_live_agent_suppor=True/False
- Update EmployeeUpdate Employee in ' 'Barista
- Update Reference Number on TaskUpdate Reference Number in ' 'Barista Task
- Update Report9 DataUpdate Report9 Data in ' 'Barista
- Update TaskUpdate Task in ' 'Barista
- Update Task OwnerChange Owner on Tasks
- Update Task StatusChange Status on Tasks
- Update Task Live Agent Session ModePerforms a PATCH to a Task Object to set sys_custom_fields.start_live_agent_suppor=True/False
- Upload CSV file to baristaUpload CSV File to Barista
Any other action you can think up
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*Currently this app does not have a designated connector. Workato can
connect with any 3rd party application with publicly available APIs.