Do everything in one place
Customize your Apptus and Code42 Incydr integration with the following
triggers and actions.
When this happens…
Code42 Incydr
- New AlertsChecks for new alerts.
- New File EventsChecks for new file events from your saved search query.
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
Code42 Incydr
- Add to legal hold matterAdd to legal hold matter in Code 42
- Add users to watchlistAdd users to watchlist in Code 42
- Block userBlock user in Code 42
- Create caseCreate case in Code 42
- Create userCreate user in Code 42
- Create watchlistCreate watchlist in Code 42
- Custom actionCustom action in Code42
- Deactivate userDeactivate user in Code 42
- Get alert detailsGet alert details in Code 42
- Get all watchlist membersGet all watchlist members in Code 42
- Get all watchlistsGet all watchlists in Code 42
- Get detection list profileGet detection list profile in Code 42
- Get user risk profileGet user risk profile in Code 42
- Get users on watchlistGet users on watchlist in Code 42
- Get watchlistGet watchlist in Code 42
- Get watchlist memberGet watchlist member in Code 42
- Reactivate userReactivate user in Code 42
- Remove departing employeeRemove departing employee in Code 42
- Remove from legal hold matterRemove from legal hold matter in Code 42
- Remove high risk employeeRemove high risk employee in Code 42
- Remove users from watchlistRemove users from watchlist in Code 42
- Search file eventsSearch file events in Code 42
- Unblock userUnblock user in Code 42
- Update alert stateUpdate alert state in Code 42
- Update caseUpdate case in Code 42
- Update detection list user notesUpdate detection list user notes in Code 42
- Update user risk profile end dateUpdate user risk profile end date in Code 42
- Update user risk profile notesUpdate user risk profile notes in Code 42
- Update user risk profile start dateUpdate user risk profile start date in Code 42
Any other action you can think up
The wonders of Workato
Easily set up as many intelligent automations you need.
- 1000s of ready-to-use templates
- Accelerate work with intelligent automation
- Do it yourself, faster
- Build bots. Put them to work
*Currently this app does not have a designated connector. Workato can
connect with any 3rd party application with publicly available APIs.