Do everything in one place
Customize your Amazon Lex and Fullstory integration with the following
triggers and actions.
When this happens…
- New event Real-timeNew event in FullStory
Any other trigger you can think up
Do this…
Amazon Lex
- Get BotRetrieve Bot information from Amazon Lex
- Get Bot AliasesRetrieve Bot Aliases information from Amazon Lex
- Get IntentRetrieve Intent information from Amazon Lex
- Get Slot typeRetrieve Slot type information from Amazon Lex
- Get VersionRetrieve object versions in Amazon lex
- Post textSend User input to Amazon Lex at runtime
- Upsert BotCreates a Bot or replaces an existing one in Amazon Lex
- Upsert Bot AliasCreates a Bot Alias or replaces an existing one in Amazon Lex
- Upsert IntentCreates an Intent or replaces an existing one in Amazon Lex
- Upsert Slot typeCreates a custom Slot type or replaces an existing one in Amazon Lex
Any other action you can think up
- Custom actionCustom action in FullStory
- Get userGet User in FullStory
- List user sessionsList User sessions in FullStory
Any other action you can think up
The wonders of Workato
Easily set up as many intelligent automations you need.
- 1000s of ready-to-use templates
- Accelerate work with intelligent automation
- Do it yourself, faster
- Build bots. Put them to work